From Josie (aka Pinky) Robertson, friend.

I have many memories of Lorne having known him from the time he and I were about 10 years old, when I moved to Fairfield and he lived only two doors away. Although we haven't seen much of each other in more recent years I am proud to say that he acquiesced to being the music provider at the wedding of Bryon Robertson and myself in 1991, playing the music from one of my favourite discs, "The Lovin' Sound". 

When we were teen-agers my Mom thought that Lorne was the ideal kid for me to end up marrying. Somehow, neither he nor I had any inkling in that direction. Instead, he and Paul Boucher used to sit on Lorne's verandah hooting at me waiting endlessly for Merv Kielt to come by on his bike. I knew where my heart was at a very early age.

When Merv and I were young marrieds we lived directly across Blanmora Drive from Bern and Lorne and our eight kids played together and influenced us to start the Stoney Creek Co-op Pre-school, which is still merrily operating some 50 years later. Both Merv and Lorne contributed sweat equity in making many of the wooden toys for our under-financed venture and Bern and I were the push behind it all.

My grown children remember Mr. Bradt (Lorne) well for many activities in the neighbourhood including fire cracker night when Bern provided hot chocolate and we pooled our resources for fire crackers while Lorne was the official "fire man". 

No doubt Merv has been waiting in heaven for his buddy Lorne, who he spent so very much time with as a child. Love Pinky